16 Ways to know God is speaking to you‼️‼️

God bless you for reading this. I hope this impacts your life in many ways as possible for you to know that God is speaking to you. Understand that God is always speaking but we just don’t know it’s Him. The voice of God is discerned. You need to be able to discern that it’s Him. And that will never happen if you are not in prayer or consistently studying the Word to know His language because God speaks bible. Check this out: in 1 Samuel 3:1-10 God called Samuel name like 3 times, and Samuel kept thinking it was Eli the Priest calling Him. Now check this out: Samuel indeed heard a voice and it’s a good thing that he was aware that he heard something. But it’s just that He didn’t know who was speaking to him. So you must discern that it’s God. Now the Bible says in 1 Samuel 3:7 that Samuel did not yet know the Lord. So when you don’t know the Lord you won’t know who is speaking to you. I know my mom very well because I always talk to her and always around her and I am familiar with her voice. If I was blind folded and 3 different women including my mom was calling my name I would know exactly who it is and where she is. So you must cultivate time in prayer and time in His Word. You have to be around God a lot!

God’s voice:

  1. Comes with conviction and leads to change. – In a certain situation when the pastor is speaking and you are feeling convicted, that is God speaking to you through the minister. When God speaks, it will always lead you to change. 2 Samuel 12:1-15
  2. Comes with direction and instruction – whenever God speaks, He will always come with direction and instruction and will lead you with each step. You won’t get lost! God is not the author of confusion and He will never lead you into dead end places. Genesis 12:1-3 Pslams 32:8 Gensis 22:1-2
  3. You will know it’s God speaking when it requires your faith- It requires your faith because when God speaks to you in a given situation He wants you to rely on Him. God will never speak to you something or lead you somewhere that will cause you to rely on your own self. So whenever God speaks it pulls on faith. It requires you to rely on Him. If you heard something that did not require you to depend on God, it wasn’t God. God gets glory not ourselves! Genesis 12:1-3 Gensis 22:1-2
  4. When God speaks it will always go against your flesh. – God will never speak something that’ll edify your flesh or be in aligned with flesh or sinful desires. He doesn’t speak to flesh, He speaks to Spirit since God is Spirit John 4:24 so if it edifies your flesh, it wasn’t God it was your emotion.
  5. When God speaks it comes with clarity- God is not the author of confusion. When God speaks He is plain and clear on what He says.
  6. Peace and assurance will follow impartation of faith.
  7. Will always be aligned and pointed toward His Word. It will never be half truths and will always be in context of scripture. – Ex. If you heard a voice that said “have sex with that girl” you know that goes against scripture because the Bible speaks against fornication. Or if you heard a voice that said “lie on your tax returns” you know it’s not God because Bible says lying is an abomination to Him. So it will always be aligned with God’s Word. The devil in Mathew 4 was tempting Jesus giving Him scriptures but they were half truths. Yes he quoted the word but he didn’t interpret it rightly and he did that to get Jesus into temptation. Sometimes the devil will use scripture but just because you hear scripture that does not mean it can be God. The devil know scripture too. You’ll know it’s the enemy speaking when he uses it for selfish gain, self destruction, or to edify the flesh.
  8. Its way out of the boundaries of your mind – when God speaks it will never be something you are familiar with. Your mind couldn’t come up with it.
  9. God’s voice won’t lead you to sin
  10. Encourages, comforts and lights the path- Psalms 119:105 He will never condemn it’s always a impartation of peace, never depression, or anxiety.
  11. When God speaks it won’t bring confusion- God is not the author of confusion 1 Corinthians 14:33
  12. Sometimes when God speaks He speaks to you through your own voice. It may sound like you but it’s God using your voice to speak to you.
  13. Sometimes when God speaks your flesh will oppose. When the flesh acts up after you hear God, that’s evidence that God spoke to you- a lot of times when you hear from God, the flesh starts getting rowdy. It doesn’t like what it just heard. It will oppose. That’s why you may have thoughts like: is this really God? God didn’t say that. I think that’s just me. And it will lead you to comtpromise.
  14. Evidence that God spoke to you is when the enemy will go against what God told you. – the enemy will always try to release fear wherever faith is present. He hates faith. That’s why the devil will tell you: God didn’t say that. Why would God tell you that. You not even fit for that. You can’t do it. Look how many times you sinned before. That’s not possible. Don’t fall for his tactics stand firm! Genesis 3:1
  15. When God speaks it’s for Him to get glory not ourselves or flesh
  16. God’s voice is calm and still. He speaks in a still small voice. – the issue is not to make God speak louder, the issue is to be quiet enough to hear the still small voice because the volume of God’s voice doesn’t change. But get this, the more quieter we become the more louder His voice would be to us. Isn’t that amazing? Say your mom was talking at a steady level right, the volume is very low the way your mom is speaking and you can barely hear because you have the loud tv in the background. Now you can hear her, but not loud enough. And your mom never  changes the volume of her voice. But when you begin to mute the volume of your tv, now you can hear it clearly and it will seem loud to you. So it’s all about quieting yourself!

If this has blessed you, begin to share with your friends! I hope this enrichly blesses you and gives you a clearer understanding! Pray this prayer with me:
Father, I come to you in Jesus name. Lord I thank you that you chose me, I thank you that you love me. Thank you in advance Lord for allowing me to perceive that is you. Lord I ask that you bring me to a greater level of hearing you and you help me to discern that it’s you. Mute my life Lord so that I may hear you when you speak. Bring my spirit to attention to what your lips utter. Thank you in Jesus name amen. 


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